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At IndoBuildTech, Architects Speak Directly to the Master of Art Stone

Writer's picture: FagettiFagetti

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

The second phase of IndoBuildTech’s 2019 exhibition of materials, building technology and interiors will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan on August 21-25, 2019. At this event, architects will have the rare opportunity to discuss the latest marble trends and technology with Master of Art StoneFerdinand Gumanti.

Architects can will be provided with the chance to discuss with Ferdinand Gumanti at the PT Fajar Gelora Inti (better known as Fagetti) booth, at IndoBuildTech2019. These Exclusive Talks will be held every day from August 21-25, 2019.

“The architects will be invited to see the latest in marble trends and technology,” says Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the Fagetti Group, Helen Gumanti. “After that, they may hold direct discussions with Mr. Gumanti.”

Ferdinand Gumanti is the founder of Fagetti, a manufacturer and supplier of premium grade natural stone and a company with marble as its main product. Established in 1986, Fagetti now has a 23-hectare factory in Cibitung, Bekasi.

For his dedication to the natural stone industry, Ferdinand Gumanti and his company received a prestigious award from Antica Libera Corporazione Dell’Arte Della Pietrain Italy as Master of Art Stonein 2014. This institution’s elusive award is only given to significant figures and natural stone companies in Asia. Aptly, Fagetti is a proud home to a collection of over 900 types of natural stone, including marble, onyx, granite, travertine, limestone, among many others.

“At the Fagetti booth, architects may also observe Fagetti’s latest technology that elevates marble from mere decoration to art,” Helen remarks. The Exclusive Talks at IndoBuildTech with Mr. Gumanti, Helen hopes, can be utilized by architects who are looking for references and inspiration on marble use for residential projects or designs for buildings of prestige.

In the marble business, Fagetti is famous for its technological advances, which elevates the company above its competitors. By using the latest technology, Fagetti prides itself on the formation of the most elegant stone projects. Some of these technological creations will be displayed at the Fagetti booth at IndoBuildTech, headlined by the theme “Determining the Latest Trends in Marble Architecture”.

With the company’s various advantages, it is easy to see why architects, interior designers and product designers make Fagetti the first choice for their projects. Fagetti meets the demand for natural stone in retail and corporate markets with a stock that is always available and ready to be sent punctually. Its natural stone is widely used to beautify upper and middle class homes.

In the retail market, Fagetti’s natural stone is often chosen because of its unique and exclusive variety. In the corporate market, its natural stones have perfected the splendor of a great number of prestigious projects in Jakarta, including the InterContinental Hotel Pondok Indah, Astra Tower Penthouse, PIK Office, Park Hyatt – MNC Media Tower, District 8 Office & Residence, Arkadia Tower, Jakarta Box, Apartment Casa Grande, South Quarter, Pondok Indah Residence, Anandamaya Residence, Menara Kompas, Kota Kasablanka Mall, La Vie Condominium andInternational Financial Centre 2.

In Surabaya, Fagetti’s natural stone complements the beauty of the Pakuwon Indah Supermal building, Tunjungan Plaza, The Peak Residence and the One Icon Residence, while in Bali, there are the Movenpick Resort and Spa as well as the Sofitel Hotel. Additionally, the JHL Solitaire in Tangerang, the Masjid Suciati Saliman in Yogyakarta, Adimula Hotel in Medan, Sheraton Hotel and Radisson Hotel in Lampung and Radisson Hotel in Batam also display Fagetti’s exclusive natural stone. ***


Pameran material, teknologi bangunan dan interior IndoBuildTech fase kedua tahun 2019 akan berlangsung di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan pada tanggal 21-25 Agustus 2019. Pada ajang tersebut, para arsitek akan mendapatkan kesempatan langka untuk berdiskusi tentang tren dan teknologi marmer terbaru dengan Master of Art Stone Ferdinand Gumanti.

Diskusi dengan Ferdinand Gumanti bisa diperoleh para arsitek di booth PT Fajar Gelora Inti atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Fagetti di IndoBuildTech 2019. Exclusive Talk tersebut akan digelar setiap hari pada tanggal 21-25 Agustus 2019.

"Para arsitek akan diajak melihat tren dan teknologi marmer terbaru. Setelah itu, mereka bisa berdiskusi langsung dengan Pak Gumanti," kata Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fagetti Group, Helen Gumanti.

Ferdinand Gumanti merupakan pendiri Fagetti, sebuah perusahaan produsen dan supplier batu alam grade premium dengan marmer sebagai produk utamanya. Perusahaan tersebut didirikan pada tahun 1986 dan kini memiliki pabrik seluas 23 hektare di Cibitung, Bekasi.

Atas dedikasinya terhadap industri batu alam, Ferdinand Gumanti bersama dengan perusahaannya mendapatkan penghargaan prestisius dari Antica Libera Corporazione Dell'Arte Della Pietra, Italia sebagai Master of Art Stone pada tahun 2014. Ini merupakan penghargaan satu-satunya yang diberikan oleh lembaga tersebut kepada tokoh dan perusahaan batu alam di Asia.

Helen berharap, Exclusive Talkdengan Ferdinand Gumanti di IndoBuildTech dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para arsitek yang tengah mencari referensi dan inspirasi penggunaan marmer untuk proyek hunian atau gedung prestisius yang tengah dirancang.

"Di booth Fagetti, para arsitek juga bisa melihat teknologi terbaru dari Fagetti yang mampu mengubah tampilan marmer menjadi lebih artistik," kata Helen.

Fagetti memiliki koleksi marmer, onyx, granit, travertine, limestone dan jenis batu alam lainnya. Saat ini, Fagetti memiliki lebih dari 900 jenis batu alam dengan segala keunikannya.

Di bisnis marmer, Fagetti terkenal dengan keunggulan teknologi yang dimiliki. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi terbaru, Fagetti bisa membentuk batu marmer menjadi lebih berkelas. Beberapa kreasi teknologi marmer tersebut akan ditampilkan di booth Fagetti di IndoBuildTech yang mengambil tema "Determining the Latest Trends in Marble Architecture".

Dengan berbagai keunggulannya, tidak salah jika arsitek, interior designer dan product designer menjadikan Fagetti sebagai pilihan pertama untuk proyek yang tengah dirancang. Apalagi, Fagetti memiliki stok batu alam yang selalu tersedia dan siap dikirim tepat waktu.

Fagetti memenuhi permintaan batu alam untuk pasar ritel dan korporasi. Di pasar ritel, batu alam Fagetti banyak dipergunakan untuk memperindah rumah tinggal kelas menengah ke atas. Fagetti dipilih karena memiliki beragam jenis batu alam yang unik dan eksklusif.

Di pasar korporasi, batu alam Fagetti ikut menyempurnakan kemegahan sejumlah proyek prestisius di Jakarta di antaranya adalah InterContinental Hotel Pondok Indah, Penthouse Menara Astra, PIK Office, Park Hyatt – MNC Media Tower, District 8 Office & Residence, Arkadia Tower, Jakarta Box, Apartment Casa Grande, South Quarter, Pondok Indah Residence, Anandamaya Residence, Menara Kompas, Kota Kasablanka Mall, La Vie Condominium dan International Financial Centre 2.

Di Surabaya, batu alam Fagetti melengkapi keindahan bangunan Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Tunjungan Plaza, The Peak Residence dan One Icon Residence. Sedangkan di Bali, ada Movenpick Resort and Spa dan Sofitel Hotel. Lalu, ada JHL Solitaire di Tangerang, Masjid Suciati Saliman di Yogyakarta, Hotel Adimulya di Medan, Sheraton Hotel dan Radisson Hotel di Lampung serta Radisson Hotel di Batam yang juga memajang batu alam eksklusif dari Fagetti.

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